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Chin and Cheek Augmentation

If you seek high cheekbones or would like to correct a receding (‘weak’) chin, you may want to consider the benefits of mentoplasty (chin augmentation) or malar augmentation (cheek augmentation). These surgical procedures can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as rhinoplasty or facelift to provide a more symmetrical and balanced appearance.

Woman lips chin neck beautiful skin age

Small incisions are made either in the natural crease lines of the face, under the chin, or most commonly inside the mouth. Pockets are made in the facial tissue and biologically safe implants are placed inside the pocket and incisions are closed with fine sutures to most effectively prevent scar visibility.

Post Treatment
Patients may experience bruising and swelling for a few days. Incisions may be covered with bandages or tape. Initial swelling may be alleviated with cold compresses and mild pain medication.

The healing process is usually complete within 7 to 10 days when stitches are removed (sutures placed inside the mouth dissolve on their own and do not require removal).

Dr. Kim is committed to combining your goals and realistic expectations with his skilled expertise for a safe and positive outcome. For more information about chin augmentation or cheek implants procedure or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, please call our office @ (770) 458-4255.




Patient had a Chin and Cheek Augmentation. 

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