Dimpleplasty (Creating Dimples)

A dimple is a small depression in the flesh, either one that exists permanently or one that forms in the cheeks when you smile. Dimples create definition to your smile or chin and can give interesting, attractive characteristics to your face.You were either born with dimples or none at all. Today, dimples can be created at Kim Facial Plastic Surgery.
Creating dimples can be performed on any one cheek, both cheeks, or chin. You and Dr. Kim can discuss placement, depth, and length of your dimples when you come in for a consultation.
Dr. Kim has performed thousands of dimples with Dimpleplasty, he can easily be called Dr. Dimples of Altanta, GA. Most of his patients come by word of mouth and is considered one of the best in this area.
Using local anesthesia, Dr. Kim will make an incision(s)
on the inside of your cheek(s). Typically, there is no scarring on the outside of the skin, but like with any procedure, there is always a risk. An absorbable suture is used to set the dimples in place. As the suture is absorbed and the wound heals, the scar tissue between the inner skin and the muscle makes this procedure permanent. The procedure takes about 20 minutes in the office. Most patients elect to have the procedure done the same day after the consultation.
Post Treatment
You may experience mild soreness for about 2-3 days. You may take Tylenol to alleviate any pain or discomfort. You will also complete a 2-3 day course antibiotics. The dimples will look very apparent and prominent for about 2-4 months. The dimples will eventually look natural over a course period of time.
Dr. Kim is committed to combining your goals and realistic expectations with his skilled expertise for a safe and positive outcome. For more information about dimple creation or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, please call our office @ (770) 458-4255.