Mini Face Lift
If you are not ready for a full facelift, Dr. Kun Z. Kim offers the mini-facelift to patients who may desire a subtle “lift”. The mini-facelift results in tightening the mild to moderate sagging skin of the lower third of your face below the temples. This technique is more common for those who are just beginning to see the signs of loose skin and sagging jowls. Like the facelift, the mini-facelift is frequently combined with other procedures such as fat injection, eyelid surgery, and/or laser resurfacing.

Under twilight sedation, Dr. Kun Z. Kim creates fine incisions near both temples of the face. He then carefully removes and tightens excess skin lifting the lower third of the face. Tiny sutures are placed and remains in the areas for 10 days.
After the mini-facelift is done, you may experience mild soreness and bruising for a few days. Cold compress alleviates swelling for the first 48 hours. You return in 10 days to have the sutures removed. The recovery time is twice as fast as having a facelift done due to the simplicity of Dr. Kun Kim’s technique.
If you think the mini-facelift is the procedure for you or need help deciding, please contact us at Kim Facial Plastic Surgery today. Dr. Kun Kim will evaluate your needs and desires and customize a treatment plan just for you. Please call us at (770) 458-4255 today.